4 hits in 0.009 sec.

Die Anfänge der deutschen Parteien : Partei, Fraktion und Verein in der Revolution von 1848/49 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Langewiesche, Dieter |  Place of publication: Göttingen |  Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht |  Year of Publication: 1978 | 38 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Geschichte und Gesellschaft; 4
Subject Area: Geschichte; Politologie
Normal-form transformations of context-free grammars [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Hotz, Günter |  Place of publication: Szeged |  Publisher: Universitas Szegediensis |  Year of Publication: 1978 | 20 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Acta cybernetica; 4
Subject Area: Informatik; Mathematik
A glacial mediterranean; 5689 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Thiede, Jörn |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1978 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 276
Subject Area: Geologie und Paläontologie
[External link] High energy neutrino reactions [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Kleinknecht, Konrad |  Place of publication: Geneva |  Publisher: CERN |  Year of Publication: 1978
Journal / Series / Collection: 17th CERN School of Physics : 4 - 17 June 1978, Austerlitz, The Netherlands
Subject Area: Physik