In order to conduct this search, please enter one or several search words in the search window "Free-text search". The free-text search on the index page takes effect with all search approaches.
- If you enter several terms in the search window, the system automatically links them with an "and" operator.
- Capitalization and small letters are irrelevant.
- You can refine the search by setting a + (for "and") or a – (for "not") before the search term, e.g. wissenschaft kunst -bildung.
- Phrase Search: With a phrase search you can search for word sequences. In order to do so, please enter the words in quotation marks (" ") in exact order, e.g. "kunst sport wissenschaft".
- With Boosting, you can employ a higher or lower rating of a search word. An Example: sport wissenschaft^1. In this search, the word “Wissenschaft” has a higher priority than the word “Sport". A number between 0 and 1 derates the relevance, a number higher than 1 boosts the relevance of a word. The relevance is generated with the help of a mathematical similarity of the search query and the document (here book). The importance of single words depends on their frequency in and on the size of the document.
When your search terms are not quoted phrases, avoid common words (such as: "der", "die", "das", "ein", etc.) to speed up your search. Complete list of the common words.
Auto completion: If Java Script is activated in your browser, auto completion is activated after the entry of the third letter of your search term in the search window. Suggestions for search terms, displayed in a list, consist of words from the texts indexed for this application.
With the Advanced Search you can search full-texts by entering one or several search words in the search window
"Full text" .
In contrary to the Free-text search, the
field "Full-text Search" may be empty. In this case, you conduct a
search in the metadata
. However, at least one other field must be filled out.
Search attributes in the drop-down menus for the search in the metadata in detail:
- Title: Enter relevant and crucial words from the title. You don’t have to type in the entire title.
- Series: Indicate the series.
- Author/ Editor: Enter the name of the author, if you don’t know the given name, omit it.
- Publisher: Indicate the publisher.
- Place of publication: Indicate the place of publication
All Search attributes can be linked with "and" and "not" . In order to do so, please select the respective link in the drop-down menu on the left.
Author Search: If you want to see all entries on the portal which include the prize winner as author or editor, you can use the search field “author/editor” to additionally find those publications for which the prize winner acts as second or third co-author or editor, but with the difference that this publication was suggested for the portal by another prize winner.
If the appearances of the name in the index full texts are also supposed to be displayed, we recommend a full text search, for which the scanned texts are searched. However, for those publications which are linked with us via external servers, this is not possible.
Search in the year of publication: You can refine your search additionally by searching in specific years of publication. Example: If you want to retrieve only works that were published between 2000 and 2003, enter the numbers 2000 and 2003 in the two fields and link them with the operator "and". If you want to exclude publications between 2000 and 2003 from your search, use the operator "not".
Refining the search with subject areas: The classification of subject areas derives from the German RVK (Regensburger Verbundklassifikation). An implementation of the DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) is in preparation.
Sorting order of search results: You can sort results according to relevance , the year of publication or title. Additionally you can select a descending or ascending order. The default setting is a sorting according to relevance in a descending order, i.e. the result with the highest relevance is displayed on top.
As a result of your search query, you will receive a list of all hits as an overview. The title of each result is linked with the scan of the first page of the respective work. Below the title, you find the bibliographical data of the work (author, publisher, place and year of publication,subject area).
Search result – Display of a single result
On the left side, you find the bibliographical data of the work and links to further applications.
PDF-download: If used exclusively for private or scientific ends, you can download the single scans as a PDF file.
Display of the scans: Each scan is displayed in the middle of the screen. Please note that the number of the scan and the page number is not identical and hence does normally not correspond! In the menu bar you can browse the document back and forth, jump to the next or previoius match or jump to a particular scan by entering the scan number in the input field. Above the bibliographic data of the document you can return back to the result list or search within the current document or all documents for the entered searchword.
Search within this document: At this point you can narrow your search in that particular document. As a result you get a list of all hits as image snippets with colored search terms. You can also decide whether the results should be sorted ascending or descending according to relevance or scan number. To access the scan please click the image or the book icon.
In case no matches were found for your search query:
- Pay attention to a correct spelling of the search word.
- Try more general search words.
- Use different search words.
- Try a spelling with hyphen.
In case your search query generated too many results:
- Use Phrase Search e.g. "kunst sport wissenschaft".
- Enter a (–) (for "not") in front of each word you want to exclude, e.g. wissenschaft kunst -bildung .
- Use more concrete search words.
General information for using Leibniz Publik
Language settings: Currently the website provides a German and an English version (as at September 2011). You can switch languages by selecting the respective flag in the navigation bar.
Font size settings: You can gradually change the font size of the website by clicking on the links “A A A” in the upper right corner of your screen. Please note that the degree of the zoom is corresponding to a “normal” font (100%). That means, in case of an altered presetting of the zoom in your browser, the font size might appear disproportionately small or big. In this case, check the zoom factor in your browser and if necessary reset it to 100% (Strg + 0). Then change the font size again by selecting the respecting links “A A A”.