
10 hits in 0.009 sec.

Loss of gene function through rapid mitotic cycles in the Drosophila embryo; 6391 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Rothe, Mike; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1992 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 359
Subject Area: Biologie
RNA binding and translational suppression by bicoid; 6567 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Rivera-Pomar, Rolando; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1996 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 379
Subject Area: Biologie
Finger protein of novel structure encoded by hunchback, a second member of the gap class of Drosophila segmentation genes; 6121 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Tautz, Diethard; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1987 | 7 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 327
Subject Area: Biologie
Structural homology of the product of the Drosophila Krüppel gene with Xenopus transcription factor IIIA; 6051 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Rosenberg, Urs B.; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1986 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 319
Subject Area: Biologie
A genetic system to assess in vivo the functions of histones and histone modifications in higher eukaryotes; 10 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Günesdogan, Ufuk; Jäckle, Herbert; Herzig, Alf |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 2010 | 5 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: EMBO reports; 11
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Antagonistic action of Bicoid and the repressor Capicua determines the spatial limits of Drosophila head gene expression domains; 51 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Löhra, Ulrike; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: Washington, DC |  Publisher: National Academy of Sciences of the USA |  Year of Publication: 2009
Journal / Series / Collection: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 106
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] The fork head domain: A novel DNA binding motif of eukaryotic transcription factors?; 3 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Weigel, Detlef; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 1990
Journal / Series / Collection: Cell; 63
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Brummer lipase is an evolutionary conserved fat storage regulator in Drosophila; 5 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Grönke, Sebastian; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 2005
Journal / Series / Collection: Cell metabolism; 1
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] A conserved family of nuclear proteins containing structural elements of the finger protein encoded by Krüppel, a Drosophila segmentation gene; 6 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Schuh, Reinhard; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 1986
Journal / Series / Collection: Cell; 47
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] The homeotic gene fork head encodes a nuclear protein and is expressed in the terminal regions of the Drosophila embryo; 4 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Weigel, Detlef; Jäckle, Herbert |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 1989
Journal / Series / Collection: Cell; 57
Subject Area: Biologie