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Mice with targeted disruption of the fatty acid transport protein 4 (Fatp 4, Slc27a4) gene showfeatures of lethal restrictive dermopathy [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Herrmann, Thomas; Stremmel, Wolfgang |  Place of publication: New York, NY |  Publisher: Rockefeller University Press |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 11 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: The journal of cell biology; 161
Subject Area: Biologie; Medizin
Liberalismus und Sozialismus : Gesellschaftsbilder, Zukunftsvisionen, Bildungskonzeptionen [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Langewiesche, Dieter; Lenger, Friedrich |  Place of publication: Bonn |  Publisher: Dietz |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 406 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Reihe Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte; 61
Subject Area: Geschichte
Omina und Orakel : A. Mesopotamien [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Maul, Stefan M. |  Place of publication: Berlin [u.a.] |  Publisher: de Gruyter |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 44 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Reallexikon der Assyrologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie (= Oannes - Priesterverkleidung); 10
Subject Area: Geschichte; Theologie und Religionswissenschaften; Allgemeine und vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Indogermanistik. Außereuropäische Sprachen und Literaturen
Simulation of the temperature distribution and metallurgical transformations in grinding by using the finite-element-method [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Brinksmeier, Ekkard |  Place of publication: Braunschweig |  Publisher: WGP |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 6 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Production engineering; X
Subject Area: Technik
Brüderbund und Bann : das Drama der politischen Inklusion in Schillers "Tell" [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Koschorke, Albrecht |  Place of publication: München |  Publisher: Fink |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 17 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Das Politische
Subject Area: Germanistik. Niederlandistik. Skandinavistik
All fiber chirped-pulse amplification system based on compression in air-guiding photonic bandgap fiber [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Limpert, Jens; Tünnermann, Andreas |  Place of publication: Washington, DC |  Publisher: Optical Society of America |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 6 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Optics Express; 11
Subject Area: Physik; Technik
The traditional cosmos and the new world [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Küpper, Joachim |  Place of publication: Baltimore, Md. |  Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 30 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: MLN; 118
Subject Area: Romanistik; Allgemeine und vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Indogermanistik. Außereuropäische Sprachen und Literaturen
High-power air-clad large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber laser [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Limpert, Jens; Tünnermann, Andreas |  Place of publication: Washington, DC |  Publisher: Optical Society of America |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 6 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Optics Express; 11
Subject Area: Physik; Technik
Der skythische Fürstengrabhügel von Arzan 2 in Tuva : Vorbericht der russisch-deutschen Ausgrabungen 2000-2002 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Čugunov, Konstantin V.; Parzinger, Hermann; Nagler, Anatoli |  Place of publication: Mainz |  Publisher: Zabern |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 50 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Eurasia Antiqua; 9
Subject Area: Geschichte
Influence of the micro cutting parameters on resulting near surface properties [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Rentsch, Rüdiger; Brinksmeier, Ekkard |  Place of publication: Braunschweig |  Publisher: WGP |  Year of Publication: 2003 | 6 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Production engineering; X
Subject Area: Technik; Physik
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