6 hits in 0.007 sec.

Investigation of a Cu-20 mass% Nb in situ composite [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Raabe, Dierk |  Place of publication: München |  Publisher: Hanser |  Year of Publication: 1995 | 18 s.
Subject Area: Physik; Technik
Untersuchung des Erstarrungsvorgangs der gerichtet erstarrten Superlegierung CMSX 6 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Ma, Dexin; Sahm, Peter R. |  Place of publication: München |  Publisher: Hanser |  Year of Publication: 1995 | 5 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde; 86
Subject Area: Physik; Technik
High-power cw neodymium-doped fiber laser operating at 9.2 W with high beam quality [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Zellmer, Holger; Tünnermann, Andreas |  Place of publication: Washington, DC |  Publisher: Optical Society of America |  Year of Publication: 1995 | 3 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Optics Letters; 20
Subject Area: Technik; Physik
The contribution of AGNs to the X-ray background; 1 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Comastri, Andrea; Hasinger, Günther |  Place of publication: Berlin [u.a.] |  Publisher: Springer |  Year of Publication: 1995 | 12 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Astronomy and astrophysics; 296
Subject Area: Physik
[External link] Physics of semiconductor microcavity lasers [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Koch, Stephan W.; Jahnke, F.; Chow, W. W. |  Place of publication: Bristol |  Publisher: IOP Publishing |  Year of Publication: 1995
Journal / Series / Collection: Semiconductor science and technology; 10
Subject Area: Physik
[External link] High-resolution double-quantum NMR spectroscopy of homonuclear spin pairs and proton connectivities in solids; 3-4 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Gottwald, Johannes; Spiess, Hans Wolfgang |  Place of publication: Amsterdam [u.a.] |  Publisher: Elsevier |  Year of Publication: 1995
Journal / Series / Collection: Chemical physics letters   ; 243
Subject Area: Chemie und Pharmazie; Physik