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In vivo priming of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes with synthetic lipopeptide vaccine; 6249 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Deres, Karl; Rammensee, Hans-Georg |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 342
Subject Area: Biologie; Medizin
A novel group of abyssal methanogenic archaebacteria (Methanopyrus) growing at 110°C; 6251 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Huber, Robert; Stetter, Karl O. |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 2 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 342
Subject Area: Biologie
Antigen receptor tail clue; 6214 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Reth, Michael |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 2 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 338
Subject Area: Biologie
Clonal anergy induced in mature V beta 6+ T lymphocytes on immunizing Mls-1b mice with Mls-1a expressing cells; 6225 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Rammensee, Hans-Georg; Kroschewski, Ruth; Frangoulis, Bernard |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 339
Subject Area: Biologie
Noradrenaline and serotonin selectively modulate thalamic burst firing by enhancing a hyperpolarization-activated cation current; 6236 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Pape, Hans-Christian; MacCormick, David A. |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 4 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 340
Subject Area: Biologie
Cyclophilin and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase are probably identical proteins; 6206 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Fischer, Gunter |  Place of publication: London |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 1989 | 3 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature; 337
Subject Area: Chemie und Pharmazie; Biologie