Participate Awardees

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Dynamic shifts of visual receptive fields in cortical area MT by spatial attention; 9 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Womelsdorf, Thilo; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: New York, NY |  Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |  Year of Publication: 2006 | 5 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature neuroscience; 9
Subject Area: Biologie; Medizin
Seeing multiple directions of motion : physiology and psychophysics; 3 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Treue, Stefan; Hol, Karel; Rauber, Hans-Jürgen |  Place of publication: New York, NY |  Publisher: Nature America |  Year of Publication: 2000 | 7 s.
Journal / Series / Collection: Nature neuroscience; 3
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Feature-Based Attention Increases the Selectivity of Population Responses in Primate Visual Cortex; 9 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Martı́nez-Trujillo, Julio C.; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 2004
Journal / Series / Collection: Current Biology; 14
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Attentional Modulation Strength in Cortical Area MT Depends on Stimulus Contrast; 2 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Martı́nez-Trujillo, Julio C.; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 2002
Journal / Series / Collection: Neuron; 35
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Visual attention: the where, what, how and why of saliency; 4 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Oxford |  Publisher: Elsevier |  Year of Publication: 2003
Journal / Series / Collection: Current opinion in neurobiology; 13
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Neural correlates of attention in primate visual cortex; 5 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Amsterdam [u.a.] |  Publisher: Elsevier |  Year of Publication: 2001
Journal / Series / Collection: Trends in neurosciences; 24
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Feature-based attention in visual cortex; 6 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Maunsell, John H. R.; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Amsterdam [u.a.] |  Publisher: Elsevier |  Year of Publication: 2006
Journal / Series / Collection: Trends in neurosciences; 29
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Combining spatial and feature-based attention within the receptive field of MT neurons; 10 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Patzwahl, Dieter R.; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Amsterdam [u.a.] |  Publisher: Elsevier |  Year of Publication: 2009
Journal / Series / Collection: Vision research; 49
Subject Area: Biologie
[External link] Multifocal Attention Filters Targets from Distracters within and beyond Primate MT Neurons' Receptive Field Boundaries; 6 [Score: 100%]
Author / Editor: Niebergall, Robert; Treue, Stefan |  Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass. |  Publisher: Cell Press |  Year of Publication: 2011
Journal / Series / Collection: Neuron; 72
Subject Area: Biologie